Programme Overview
Detox & Medical
Specialist prescription plans for medicated detoxification from alcohol and or drugs.
Liaison as needed with further medical professionals for clients physical and mental health.
Ongoing care throughout treatment.
Accommodation & Facilities
Client lounge, games room and dining room
Exercise room with treadmill and bike
Multiple televisions with Sky Sports, Cinema and Netflix
Private garden
Furnished bedrooms, some en-suite
Counselling & Therapy
Group therapy, 1-1 Counselling, Workshops from qualified and experienced counsellors.
Mutual aid meetings and personalised self development for all clients.
Relapse Prevention sessions and groups.
Aftercare & Next Stages
Free aftercare including 1-1 Counselling for all clients who complete treatment
In-house recovery housing in Weston-Super-Mare through Genesis
Links with local drug and alcohol services for post-treatment engagement.

First Stages & Detox
Residential Treatment.
Every client entering residential treatment will work with a personal Care Plan which is reviewed every four weeks throughout treatment. You are expected to meet the challenges and keep within agreed boundaries. A strong emphasis is placed on personal integrity and honesty, as these qualities will give you strong foundations for long-term recovery from addiction.
Medical Assessment
On admission to Western Counselling you will be allocated a residential space and have a medical assessment with a doctor who will prescribe appropriate detoxification medication to meet your individual needs. Detoxification programmes (medicated withdrawal) are available for anyone using substances (prescribed or illicit) and/or alcohol prior to admission. During 2014, 100% of alcohol/stimulant abusers completed their detoxification programmes with Western Counselling Bristol and 93% overall completed their detox.
Phase 1
The Phase 1 stage of treatment focuses on your addiction and its impact on you, your family, friends and community. It is in this phase of treatment that a detoxification programme may be undertaken.
The daily routine includes compulsory attendance at group therapy sessions each day in addition to workshops, lectures and one-to-one counselling. New clients to the service attend an Induction Group for the first week or two of treatment to help with integration and engagement in the process. Your individual general health-care concerns will also be addressed.
During Phase I you are not permitted to leave the treatment centre without the permission of a member of staff, and at all times you must be accompanied. These restrictions on your movements are part of relapse prevention during the most vulnerable phase of your recovery.
Visitors are permitted during your stay and this can be discussed and arranged with your Counsellor, they are usually arranged after week 4-5, earlier if you have young children.
The use of non-prescribed medications, drugs or alcohol is strictly forbidden and will result in discharge.
Phase 2
To be eligible for Phase 2 treatment (secondary care) you must have been abstinent from all mood-altering substances (illicit drugs and/or alcohol) for a minimum period of ten weeks.
You will be supported as you begin your reintegration into every-day life in the community and get back to a full and varied life, Whilst still in treatment you are required to attend group therapy sessions each week and at least one one-to-one counselling session. You will be encouraged to review the therapeutic work undertaken in Primary Care. You will explore relapse triggers – risky situations, behaviours and attitudes that could result in a return to drug and/or alcohol use, gambling etc; discuss reintegration into the community, family relationships and support networks.
Essential parts of the programme are the weekly workshops/lectures on various topics: Relapse Prevention, Money Management, and Goal Setting. Attendance at external support meetings such as AA or NA is a fixed element of the programme, as they will increase your support network for relapse prevention. You are expected to go to a minimum of three meetings per week.
This part of the programme is designed to help you put in place the structures and thought patterns you’ll need to begin your journey to recovery and a healthier future.